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Google Form [Advanced]
Updated over 4 months ago

With a Zapier integration, you can integrate Google Forms into Fountain.

Third-Party Provider

Please note that the instructions in this article pertain to a third party provider and as such may not reflect all current settings. Should you have any questions or issues, please contact the third party provider directly.

Set up Google Form

  1. Log in to your Google account and build your Google Form. The Google Form must have certain entries. The name, email, and phone number must be collected in the following ways documented in the table below.

  2. Submit a test response. You should see a 1 next to the Responses tab on the top of the Google Form. Click into the Responses tab and click the green sheets icon on the top right.

  3. Select Create a new spreadsheet and name your spreadsheet. Click Create.



Phone Number

Type of Field

Short Text Entry Field

Email Entry Field

Number Entry Field

Correct Notation

1. Name

2. First Name and Last Name


Phone Number

Incorrect Notation

Full name, your name, etc.

Email address, what is your email, etc.

Phone, mobile phone, digits, etc.

Set up Zapier Integration

  1. Create a Zapier account here, and then go to this page to access the Fountain Zapier integration.

  2. Click Login to Accept Invite. Log in.

  3. Click OnboardIQ on the left column.


  4. Select Google Forms as your Trigger App instead of OnboardIQ. If necessary, search Google Forms in the search bar.

  5. Select New Response in Spreadsheet, then click Save + Continue.

  6. Click Connect an Account, and sign in to the Google account you used to make this form. Enter your password and click Next and Allow. Click Save + Continue.

  7. Now, you will connect your spreadsheet. Choose the spreadsheet that is connected to the Google Form built earlier. For Worksheet, click on Form Responses 1. Do not change anything in Trigger Column. Click Continue.


  8. Zapier should now show something like this. Click Continue.


  9. Click + Add a Step on the left column. Click Action/Search.

  10. Click OnboardIQ. If you can't find it, search "OnboardIQ" in the search bar. It should look something like this:


  11. Select Create Applicant. Click Save + Continue.

  12. Click Connect an Account.

  13. Navigate back to Fountain. Click your initials icon in the top right then Company Settings in the dropdown.

  14. Cilck API under Developer Settings.

  15. Click the blue Show API Keys and copy the Private API Token.


  16. Paste it into Zapier.

  17. Click Yes, Continue.

  18. You will now see Set up OnboardIQ Applicant.


  19. Select which Position you want this data to be imported to within Fountain. Click the paragraph plus icon beside each of the questions and match them to the corresponding question on the Google Form. For questions other than name, email, and phone number, under Data, fill in the data key on the left column and match the question to the key. Repeat for secure data.

  20. Click Continue.

  21. Click Send Test to OnboardIQ. Check your applicant table for this test account's information. When confirmed, click Finish.

  22. Turn on your Zap, and you're set!

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