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Typeform [Advanced]
Updated over 4 months ago

Typeform is a web-based platform used to create anything from surveys to apps, without needing to write a single line of code. Typeform makes collecting and sharing information comfortable and conversational.

Important Note:

You must have a Typeform and Zapier account in order to integrate Typeform into Fountain.

Third-Party Provider:

Please note that the instructions in this article pertain to a third-party provider and as such may not reflect all current settings. Should you have any questions or issues, please contact the third-party provider directly.

Set Up Typeform for Applications

Step 1. In Typeform

  1. Log in to your Typeform account and build your Typeform. The Typeform must have certain entries. The name, email, and phone number must be collected in the table below.

  2. Submit a test entry to ensure the Typeform can integrate into Fountain.



Phone Number

Type of Field

Short Text Entry Field

Email Entry Field

Number Entry Field

Correct Notation

1. Name

2. First Name and Last Name


Phone Number

Incorrect Notation

Full name, your name, etc.

Email address, what is your email, etc.

Phone, mobile phone, digits, etc.

Step 2. In Zapier

  1. Create a Zapier account here, and then go to this page to access the Fountain Zapier integration.

  2. Under Choose a Trigger App, select Typeform. You may need to search it up in the top bar. It will automatically move you to Select Typeform Trigger, which you should select New Entry and click Save + Continue.


  3. Connect your Typeform Account, and then click Save + Continue.

  4. Select the Form you want to connect to Zapier.

  5. On the left bar, click + Add a Step, then click Action/Search. Select Fountain (may be shown as OnboardIQ).

  6. Choose Create Applicant as the action, and click Save + Continue.


  7. Click Connect an Account. You should be prompted to insert a private API key.

  8. To find the Private API Key in Fountain, navigate back to Fountain. Click your initials icon inn the top right then Company Settings in the dropdown.

  9. Click API under Developer Settings.

  10. Click the blue Show API Keys and copy the Private API Token.


  11. Paste it into Zapier.

  12. Click Yes, Continue.

  13. Test, finish, and then turn on your Zap!

Step 3. In Fountain

Your Typeform entries will be placed into Fountain and will need to be sorted into the correct position if you do not specify a specific position in your Zap. In order to sort them into the correct position, read the Sorting Conditions article. If applicants do not meet any of the sorting criteria, they will land in the first position by default.

Important Note: Zapier Ordering

Please note that because Zapier doesn't provide us with form field ordering, all Typeform entries (or responses) will be displayed in applicants' profiles in a random order.

Set Up Typeform for Data Collection

Step 1. In Typeform

  1. Log into your Typeform account and build your Typeform. You must be at least a PRO tier in Typeform in order to use this feature.

  2. Add a hidden field to your Typeform and name it applicant.

Step 2. In Fountain

  1. Go to the Opening and the custom stage that is connected to the Typeform.

  2. In Company Settings > Labels > Manage Labels, click Add Label and name it "Completed Typeform" or "Completed Form."

  3. Apply the label you want to give the applicant to the stage. If you want the applicant to move to the next stage click Automatically move applicant to next stage when all labels are completed.


  4. Grab the Typeform URL from your Typeform account on the top right corner.

    1. It should look like this: 
    2. Remove the xxxxxx from the end of the URL and replace it with [APPLICANT_ID].

  5. Link to this URL in the body of your custom stage automated message so applicants are directed to the Typeform.

  6. Find the test applicant's ID by clicking on the test applicant in the Applicants tab on Fountain's header bar.

  7. Go to a test Fountain Applicant ID and click Actions > Edit Applicant. Copy the APIv2 ID on the top left.


  8. Replace the xxxxxx from Step 4 with the test applicant ID. Paste this link into your browser. Take the Typeform with this ID until completion.

Step 3. In Zapier

  1. Create a Zapier account here.

  2. Once logged in, click the orange Make A Zap! on the top right.

  3. Under Choose a Trigger App, select Typeform. You may need to search it up in the top bar. It will automatically move you to Select Typeform Trigger, which you should select New Entry and click Save + Continue.

  4. Connect your Typeform Account, and then click Save + Continue.

  5. Select the Form you want to connect to Zapier.

  6. On the left bar, click + Add a Step, then click Action/Search. Search for Webhooks by Zapier and click on it.

  7. Click PUT: Fire off a single PUT request as a form or JSON. Click Save + Continue.

  8. Enter the following URL:
  9. Insert the Fountain Test Applicant ID from #7 in Step 2: In Fountain.

  10. Select Json for Payload Type.


  11. Enter in whatever fields from Typeform you'd like sent to Fountain under Data, using the following format:

    1. First field: data__your_question_here.

    2. Second field: select the corresponding question from your Typeform.

    3. There must be a double underscore between "data" and the question.

  12. Under Wrap Request in Array, put no.


  13. Under Unflatten, put yes.


  14. Under Headers, you should be prompted to insert a private API key.

  15. Navigate back to Fountain. Click your initials in the top right then Company Settings in the dropdown.

  16. Click API under Developer Settings.

  17. Click the blue Show API Keys and copy the Private API Token. Paste it into Zapier.

  18. Click Yes, Continue.

  19. Enter the API under Headers, like so.

  20. Save again and test it make sure that the correct test applicant information is pulled.

  21. Go back to the first step where you input URL. Delete the Test Applicant ID from the link.

  22. Click the paragraph plus icon to the right of the URL. Select applicant (hidden field). It should look like this:


  23. Test to make sure it's working by going back to the Fountain test account. The keys that you inputted on Zapier should show up under Details under the test applicant.

To automate the labeling process,

  1. Click + Add a Step under the same Zapier workflow.

  2. Click on Fountain (may be denoted as OnboardIQ).


  3. Click Update Applicant Label and Save + Continue.

  4. Select your Fountain Account. Click Save + Continue.

  5. Under Applicant ID, Enter the Fountain test Applicant ID from #7 in Step 2: In Fountain.

  6. In Title, choose Use a Custom Value (advanced) in the drop-down menu under Other Options.


  7. In Custom Value for Title, write the label you set for the applicant (case-sensitive).

    1. There may be an error message present on this page. If you click Skip Test, the label will still work.

  8. Mark yes for Completed.

  9. Test the Zap via the test applicant with the custom stage automated message from the first steps.

  10. After a successful test, replace the test applicant ID in Applicant ID with the merge key [APPLICANT_ID].

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