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Test Apply as an Applicant
Updated over 4 months ago

We recommend testing your hiring workflows by applying to your Openings as a test applicant. This enables you and your team to determine what issues may be present for applicants, as well as to give you a glimpse of how the user interface works, which will assist your team with troubleshooting.

Test Apply for a Job

Applying for the job Openings you've created will give insight and first-hand knowledge of what your incoming applicants encounter as they enter your funnels.

We recommend you apply as a test applicant for each workflow you create to test the functionality. The following steps will show you how to apply using the application form, even if you are using an alternative External Application Form (we recommend you test apply your External Application Form separately).

  1. Navigate to the Fountain Jobs page.

  2. Click the three dots icon located on the left side of an Opening's name and then click View Job in the dropdown menu.


  3. The application form for the Opening will open in a new browser tab. From here you can apply to the job Opening as a test applicant. You will create a test Applicant Profile with this method.


View Single Stage as an Applicant

The following method is a quick and easy way to view the applicant's experience in a single stage. If you view the application through this method an Applicant Profile WILL NOT be saved or available to view in the Applicant Table or UAV.

Important Note:

These test applicants will only exist for 2 hours. If you have any stage emails that are set up to send within 2 hours, the test applicant will receive them.

  1. Open the Applicant Tabel for the Opening that includes the stage you want to preview from the applicant's perspective.

  2. Find the stage box that you want to preview and click to select it.

  3. Click Preview, located on the bottom right corner of the stage box. The stage will open in a new browser tab.


Best Practices when Testing

The following items should be reviewed when you test apply as an applicant:

  • Review each stage name and header. They should be brief, clear, and informative.

  • Proofread your content and ensure it is short and to the point.

  • Ensure stage rules are working properly: test every option and delay message.

  • See how long it takes to complete a single stage by setting a timer. See how long it takes to receive any automated communication. You want to avoid applicants receiving a lot of texts or emails back to back.

  • Test apply from mobile devices. Many applicants apply on their phones so make sure your content works well on desktop, as well as mobile.

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