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I-9 Form Stage (US Only)
Updated yesterday

The I-9 Form stage is an add-on feature. Please contact your designated CSM (Customer Success Manager) or [email protected], if you don't see I-9 stages and want this feature enabled for your account.

The I-9 form is used to verify an individual's identity as well as verify that they can be legally employed in the United States. With Fountain's I-9 stage, the applicant and the employer (or an applicant's Authorized Representative) each fill out the form in a simplified view within the Fountain workflow. An official I-9 form is generated and can be sent to the government system to be verified.

To learn about the Fountain Authorized Representative I-9 Form process, review the Authorized Representative I-9 Form (US Only) article.

I-9 Form Basics

The I-9 form functions as employment authorization, meant to be filled out by both the employee and the employer or an Authorized Representative.

The I-9 Form has three main sections:

  • Step 1: The Employee must fill this out on or before their start date. This section will be revealed and completed by the applicant.

  • Step 2: The employer fills in section 2. The employer must physically (in-person) confirm the identity documents from the employee. The employer can use the alternative procedure of confirming the documents from the employee over video only if they are utilizing E-Verify. Section 2 must be completed within 3 business days of hire. If using the Authorized Representative I-9 process, an applicant-appointed Authorized Representative will fill out section 2 instead of the employer. Learn more about Authorized User I-9s by reviewing this article.

  • Supplement B: Reserved for rehires or if an employee's identity documents expire. Reach out to your CSM for help with completion of Supplement B.

1099 contractors do not need to fill out this form, only employees do.

Add I-9 Form Stage

  1. Add a stage to your Opening's workflow and select I-9 Form under Stage Type. We recommend that the I-9 Form stage is placed after the approval stage, or when the applicant has accepted their offer to your position. By doing this, the applicant will not automatically progress to this stage.


  2. Configure the I-9 Form stage settings by checking the box next to the setting to enable. Click the categories below to learn about the specific stage setting options.

Automatically Move Applicant to Next Stage

If you want the applicant to move to the next stage in the workflow after they complete the I-9 Form, turn on the appropriate toggle under the I-9 Form category. Turning this on will enable the automatic move rule of applicants to the next stage when the applicant completes their portion of the I-9. We recommend that you turn this setting on to keep the applicant moving through your workflow instead of waiting for the employer to complete their half of the I-9. Please review the Authorized Representative I-9 Form (US Only) article for how this will work differently when using an Authorized Representative.

Email Notification Upon Completion

Turn on this toggle if a user wants to be notified via email when both parties complete the I-9. Select the recipient of the email in the box below the toggle.

Employer Information

You can pre-fill out some of the employer information for Section 2 of what the employer will need to complete after the applicant has finished their portion. This will still be editable when the user/employer signs their portion but is a great way to speed up the process.


Complete Employer Portion

Once an applicant has completed their portion of the I-9 Form, there are a few ways an employer can complete Section 2 of the I-9 Form.

  • From the link in the email notification - by default sent to Opening Owner when the applicant completes their portion of the I-9.

  • From the Applicant Table, Universal Applicant View, or Applicant Profile within Fountain

When an applicant has completed their portion of the I-9, a new status label called I9: Pending Action will appear on their status on the Applicant Table and Universal Applicant View.


Click I9 Form: Pending Action and then, Complete Form.


This will take you to a new page to complete Section 2: Employer portion of the I-9 Form. When completing Section 2 as the employer, please keep the following in mind:

  • After electronically signing in the box, click confirm in the top right corner before clicking Submit.

Viewing the I-9 Form

Click on View Form to see the generated official I-9 Form in PDF. We recommend using Adobe PDF Viewer for best results when downloading and printing I-9 Forms. You may encounter issues with certain fields missing or blacked out when using other clients.


Applicant Redo Request

If there was an error on the applicant's portion, you can request for the applicant to redo by clicking on the Applicant Re-do button. Draft the email from scratch or craft from a message template and hit Send Email. To use a message template, choose I-9 Form Redo as the message type.


The Status Label will be updated to I-9: In Progress.

Download Data Exports

To download data exports, follow the steps below:

  1. Click your initials icon, then click Company Settings.

  2. You will be brought to General settings. Scroll down on this page to the Account Info section, and click Exports.

  3. Under Custom Exports, click New Export.


  4. Enter the Title, select the source you want to Pull Applicants From, and the Fields to Export.

  5. Select Save.

  6. Choose the Title you created or edited and select Download.


  7. Choose CSV File.


    ​The Fields you exported will be downloaded.


Important Note: Prevent Excel from Incorrectly Altering your Data

When performing CSV exports in the product, Excel, Google Sheets, or other software programs may automatically convert the data provided to dates and/or numbers. This can potentially cause numbers that begin with 0 to be updated. For example, if a routing number is listed as 000234123, Excel may translate that number as 234123.

If there are values in your CSV that fit this criteria and may not be translated correctly, visit this resource for steps on preventing Excel from automatically altering your data.

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